Holy Spirit Saturday @ Terrell Prison

Dedicated Alpha volunteers, Tammy Thomas, Tim Sparks and Chuck Weber led an incredible day of prayer, worship and learning for 85 offenders on July 29th at Terrell Prison Unit Boot Camp.

Holy Spirit Saturday, the culmination of a 12 week Alpha Course at the prison, was a welcomed break from normal prison activities and food. The day is filled with worship, prayers, watching talks on videos, small group discussions and individual prayer. Lunch from Subway was brought in by additional volunteers who stayed to help pray with offenders. Individual prayer and offender testimonials capped off the spirit-filled day. Thanks be to God, several offenders committing their lives' to Christ.

Volunteers are running Alpha Courses in 10 prisons in the Houston area and could be in more if we had more volunteers. Are you being called to Alpha in a prison or jail? Email us at office@alphahouston.org and we'll help you discern.
